We value our users and their opinions as we are aiming to offer friendly and effective service, and we need to know if we are succeeding in our aim.
This exam is a wonder tonic for students like me, who are not so good at mcq exams and gets confused.
But not any more, as this exam provided by www.analyticsexam.com for IBM Cognos certification is so good at what it should be good at. I thank from my heart to the team who have created this.parsonslukeOct 12 2020 - 05:22I have given the SAS Data Integration Developer for SAS 9 exam twice before I took my subscription here and on that both attempt I failed :(. I was wondering, what is going wrong as I had a good preparation both the time.
After taking the first practice here, I have realised that this was due to silly mistakes I was making due to the less equipt in handling MCQ exams. I was getting confused and making mistakes, but as I have spent time here, I have realised, this can be easily managed and the result is amazing. I passed this time with whopping 89%.fiona_rOct 10 2020 - 12:23I have taken access for the practice exam on DEA-7TT2 certification.
First, the access was given within the commited time, and starting with it was very easy.
Second, the questions I faced on this test were the same as what I faced on the real exam.
and finally, this is the best you can get at this cost.carolOct 9 2020 - 12:02Supper hit concept!!
Just go for practice exam provided by www.analyticsexam.com and you shuld be passing the main exam forSAS Platform Administrator easily.
Thanks.EdwardPatersonOct 8 2020 - 11:22I have passed the Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014 Databases Certificate Exam with good Marks.
This Practice exam by this web is very much helpful.carlOct 7 2020 - 04:59I am an engineer and was looking to build the career with analytics and data mining, I was hearing a lot about Tableau and therefore I have decided to be Tableau Desktop Certified Associate certified to start with. I have prepared on my own and attended the certification exam one month back, I failed. I was not sure on what could be the reason for this. Then, I took membership here and soon I started practising, I started realizing the mistakes I did, this was not lacking the subject knowledge but this was mainly due to less experience on understanding the question correctly. I learn how to put the subject knowledge in use during the exam with the help of these practice tests.
A big Thank you to the team who have worked and created this web tool.Thank you.
RebeccahendersonOct 3 2020 - 11:30Passed on 30th Sep 2020.
All questions were updated when I give the exam.
Go for this.OborisSep 30 2020 - 09:11Done with the exam today. It was a great web with very accurate questions for the E20-065.
Thanks.sallySep 29 2020 - 04:56To those looking for a reliable and well-planned preparation tool for SAS advanced predictive modelling, this should be your choice. I am saying this from my experience. I have prepared for the SAS A00-225 here and I managed to pass with 92% marks.
emma1982Sep 25 2020 - 14:12Yo to the web owners and exam creators.
You guys have hit the bull's eye. each question I answered were from this practice exam only.
I have received a good score in practice exam, but I practised till I started to receive 90+ marks and that has paid back, I got 89% in the final.nicola_newmanSep 23 2020 - 10:57