What is SAS and STAT and How SAS Predictive Modeler Help you Build Career.

What is SAS/STAT | SAS/STAT Tutorial for Beginners

1. Objective

Here we are with another interesting topic to discuss, read and learn and this is a product by SAS, and esteem organization which provides this SAS/ STAT Software. We will in this SAS/STAT Tutorial, different statistical procedures while learning Base SAS Programming Language, from now on we will see how the SAS/STAT Software provides ease of doing statistical modeling through its repository of amazing procedures of STAT Software.

A good course on SAS/STAT Tutorial.

2. Statistical Modeling Overview

In simple terms, statisticalmodeling is a simplified way to approximate our data and make predictions from this approximation.

Example- Suppose you want to report the weight of a variety of oranges. Now, the can be two ways to do this, first is spending years measuring the weight of every single orange of this variety in the world, and reporting your data in a spreadsheet. The second way is selecting a 30 orange-wide representative sample of this variety, computing its average and standard deviation and reporting only those two numbers as an approximate description of this weight. Representing a quantity by an average and a standard deviation is a very simple form of statisticalmodeling.

Businesses make use of this to work on large data and prepare models to gain insights on data and solve problems.

3. What is SAS/STAT Software?

The link between the ability to make the right decisions and the success of an organization go hand in hand. From corporations to government agencies, from universities to research institutes, all organizations are increasingly turning to statistical analysis to help them make their critical decisions. To achieve this, the right kind of statistical tool is very important. Through statistical analysis, an organization can improve its processes, solve problems and satisfy its clients and customers. While there are many statistical analysis tools on the market today, the only one gives you complete, comprehensive tools for data analysis–SAS/STAT software from SAS Institute. SAS/STAT Procedure is one of the many products offered by the SAS System which is fully integrated and which provides extensive statistical capabilities that meet the needs of an entire organization.

4. Working of SAS/STAT

SAS/STAT software provides tools and procedures for statisticalmodeling of data. For example- analysis of variance, linear regression, predictive modeling, statistical visualization techniques and much more. The software meets the analytical needs of both specialized and enterprise-wide problems.
Working of SAS/STAT Software

5. For whom is the SAS/STAT Software Designed?

This is not the most important point to discuss as mainly the SAS/STAT software is designed for statisticians, engineers who require statisticalmodeling of data and business analysts.
SAS/STAT Software

6. Importance of SAS/STAT

Today, organizations are increasingly turning towards statistical processes to aid decision making. With the SAS System, you can easily access data from any source such as the internet, or a PC, perform data management, carry out statistical analysis, and then present your findings of the analysis in a variety of reports and graphs-all of it inside a single software environment. SAS/STAT software enables you to evaluate data from a variety of sources, these sources can be clinical trials, marketing databases, customer preference studies, health surveys, and so on.

7. SAS/STAT Tutorial – Application

SAS/STAT major application lies in statisticalmodeling, observing trends in data, making models and deciphering patterns through it. Performing bivariate, multivariate analysis, preparing correlation and regression graphs. Producing box plots, scatter plots for data comparison. Its application in multivariate analysis includes factor analysis, preference analysis and other various kinds of analysis. SAS/STAT software provides statistical techniques for applications that span every industry:

  • Manufacturing: Identify important factors in the manufacturing of a machine.
  • Food: Identify and target the right audience for a new food item
  • Telecommunications: Determine factors involved in communication with a pilot at an airport
  • Government: Predictopinions of the public through statistical sampling techniques
  • Environmental Research: Describe air pollution patterns with the use of spatial statistics
  • Health: Determine factors influencing healthcare of patients
  • Retail: predict customerbehavior on the launch of a new products
  • Developing risk models
  • Performing diagnostic statistics

8. SAS Predictive Modeling Certification

The SAS Predictive Modeling Using SAS Enterprise Miner 14 credential is globally recognized for validating SAS Predictive Modeler knowledge. With the SAS Certified Predictive Modeler Using SAS Enterprise Miner 14 Certification credential, you stand out in a crowd and prove that you have the SAS Predictive Modeler knowledge to make a difference within your organization. The SAS Predictive Modeling Using SAS Enterprise Miner 14 Certification (A00-255) exam will test the candidate's knowledge on following areas.

Objective Details
Data Sources - (20-25%)
- Create data sources from SAS tables in Enterprise Miner
- Explore and assess data sources
- Modify source data
- Prepare data to be submitted to a predictive model
Building Predictive Models - (35-40%)
- Describe key predictive modeling terms and concepts
- Build predictive models using decision trees
- Build predictive models using regression
- Build predictive models using neural networks
Predictive Model Assessment and Implementation - (25-30%)
- Use the correct fit statistic for different prediction types
- Use decision processing to adjust for oversampling (separate sampling)
- Use profit/loss information to assess model performance
- Compare models with the MODEL COMPARISON node
- Score data sets within Enterprise Miner
Pattern Analysis - (10-15%)
- Identify clusters of similar data with the CLUSTER and SEGMENT PROFILE nodes
- Perform association and sequence analysis (market basket analysis)

9. Conclusion

Hence, In this SAS/STAT Tutorial, we learn the beginning and a brief introduction to what is SAS/STAT Software, who is it for and what can it do. Furthermore, if you have any query feel free to ask in a comment section.

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