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I have pass my QlikView Data Architect certification exam as well. I have achieved 91% and the questions what I faced in my real exam are very much close to the one I practiced here. Good work done guys.
Thomas PowellApr 7 2023 - 02:33This is to thanks the team created such a wonderful content which helped me clear the Advanced Programming exam with 82% in the very first attempt. The questions are very similar to the certification exam's question. Recommended to all sas students.
fishypole2Apr 6 2023 - 09:51I am writing from Belgium and wish to publicly extend my heartfelt gratitudes to the analyticsexam team for this platform that enabled me to succeed my QSDA2021 certification last year and today I succeeded the Qlik certification exam after just six practice sessions of the questions.
I look forward to the next challenge and working hand in hand with you as together we form a winning team.
AlemngualemnguApr 5 2023 - 20:20Thank you so much to the team working at analyticsexam.com, I have cleared my certification exam today with 90%. Credit goes to questions and support from you guys. THANK YOU.
bare09sasApr 4 2023 - 02:06Hi,
Happy to share my experience with www.analyticsexam.com for statistical business analysis, I have purchased the practice exam access here 20 days before and practiced almost every day till my final exam. Every time I found any question wrong, I go back to my working note and practice material. I have gain lots of confidence and learn time management as well. Thank you to the team working behind for wonderful content and continues support.kulkan0906Apr 3 2023 - 06:57This is Katra from Washington, and I have used different dump and simulations for my dell emc certifications and was always got disappointed. Anyhow, I manage to clear those exams and started preparing for DECA-DS, this time, I came across analyticsexam.com, this was an end to the never-ending saga of disappointment i feel. Exams here are as good as the real one, questions are of high quality. I recommend to all.
katrana0212Apr 2 2023 - 19:22I got 93%, all credit goes to this practice site.. I have done my practice with this and this helped me identified the areas I need to work more and study more.. Continue practice for 2 months made me confident to face a00-250 certification exam..
Thank you
RaechelApr 2 2023 - 17:18Hi,
I would like to extend my gratitude to the team working to make dreams come true for many students like me who have learned and prepared for the SAS Clinical Trials Programming by their own. I have received a recommendation for this practice test from a friend and she was correct in here each world. Some days of practice here make me sure on my understanding of all subject topics and my representation skills or my exam skills. I have received 85%! Thank you.Enzo095Apr 1 2023 - 20:35Simplement extraordinaire!!
Hi I am Lucas from France, and currently from London, I am writing this review while on my way back from exam center. Let me share my experience, I have practiced here for almost 15 continues days and every test helped me improve a bit. Finally I was confidence enough to take the A00-260 certification exam today and as I have predicted, I have cleared my certification exam for Data Integration today with 80% that to be in very first attempt.
Thank you so much team analyticsexam, you guys are great.lucasApr 1 2023 - 16:23I am glad to write one more review for this website, it has help me clear in QlikView certificate. Today I have cleared the my third certificate exam, i.e. QlikView Business Analyst. The content is truly refined and up to date. I should not say I face the exact the same but conceptually the same. For me, the key was, preparation of full course content and practice here to check the knowledge. I recommend to all.
mariaMar 31 2023 - 01:47