SAS Data Integration Developer (A00-260) Certification Exam Sample Questions

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To make your preparation easier for the SAS A00-260 exam, we strongly recommend you to use our Premium SAS Data Integration Developer Certification Practice Exam. According to our survey with certified candidates, you can easily score more than 85% in your actual SAS Certified Data Integration Developer for SAS 9 exam if you score 100% in our premium certification practice exams.

SAS A00-260 Sample Questions:

01. In SAS Management Console, which functions does the Schedule Manager plug-in perform?
a) define and manage flows
b) submit jobs to the batch server
c) manage scheduling servers
d) define batch servers
02. Which statement regarding retained keys in SAS Data Integration Studio is true? 
a) A retained key is used to identify non-standard data values.
b) A retained key is combined with a begin-date column to make up a primary key.
c) A retained key prevents records from being re-initialized.
d) A retained key allows multiple tables to be updated simultaneously.
03. In SAS Data Integration Studio, which statement regarding keys is true?
a) A primary key must be a single column.
b) A foreign key must be unique in a fact table.
c) A generated key must include two columns or more.
d) A business key can have duplicates in a dimension table.
04. Which operation can you perform with the Table Loader transformation?
a) Pre-load formats.
b) Load multiple tables.
c) Maintain indexes and constraints.
d) Perform insert/eliminate operations
05. Which transformation would you select to restructure a table by turning variables from a source table into observations in a target table?
a) Rotate
b) Pivot
c) Transpose
d) Flip
06. How do you enable performance statistics for a SAS Data Integration Studio job?
a) Define Collect Runtime Statistics on the SAS Data Integration Studio job.
b) Define Collect Table Statistics on the SAS Data Integration Studio job.
c) Define Collect Diagnostics on the SAS Data Integration Studio job.
d) Define Collect Table Statistics on the SAS Data Integration Studio options.
07. Which transformations communicate with the DataFlux Data Management Server in order to access the list of objects available on the server?
a) DataFlux Batch Job, DataFlux Data Service
b) DataFlux Data Service, DataFlux Repository Manager
c) DataFlux Repository Manager, DataFlux Batch Job
d) DataFlux Server Explorer, DataFlux Data Service 
08. Which definition cannot be imported using a SAS Metadata Bridge?
a) Column definition
b) Library definition
c) Server definition
d) Table definition
09. In SAS Data Integration Studio, where can an index be specified/defined?
a) in the Indexes tab in the properties of a Table Loader transformation
b) in the Indexes tab in the properties of a table metadata object
c) in the Select properties of the SQL Join transformation
d) in the Results tab of Create Table transformation
10. You can perform Impact Analysis and Reverse Impact Analysis on which types of metadata objects?
a) all metadata objects
b) job metadata objects, library metadata objects, table metadata objects, column metadata objects
c) library metadata objects, table metadata objects, column metadata objects, generated transformations
d) table metadata objects, column metadata objects, generated transformations


Question: 1 Answer: a Question: 2 Answer: b
Question: 3 Answer: d Question: 4 Answer: c
Question: 5 Answer: c Question: 6 Answer: a
Question: 7 Answer: a Question: 8 Answer: c
Question: 9 Answer: b Question: 10 Answer: d

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